Ni treba štet :)))

Ostale zadeve...Politika prepovedana

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Re: Štetje

OdgovorNapisal/-a mirnaunited dne 16. avgust 2007, 13:59:58

Ok Brne,....pol bomo pa ju3,....gas v prov gostilno zravn šole :D sam povej kam treba pridt ;)
Uporabniški avatar
hehe :D lol
Prispevkov: 2133
Pridružen: 16. avgust 2007, 10:41:08
Kraj: Mirna

Re: Štetje

OdgovorNapisal/-a MARTIN-UNITED dne 16. avgust 2007, 14:44:38


pa že na prvi strani smo falil številke :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Brat mu je isti
Prispevkov: 1990
Pridružen: 16. avgust 2007, 12:10:37
Kraj: Ljubljana

Re: Štetje

OdgovorNapisal/-a martin7 dne 16. avgust 2007, 15:51:18


Nov, super forum. Folk potrudite se, predvsem pri pisavi in postih!
Sir Bobby Charlton
Prispevkov: 1291
Pridružen: 16. avgust 2007, 10:39:01
Kraj: Old Trafford

Re: Štetje

OdgovorNapisal/-a dandzo dne 16. avgust 2007, 16:00:28

Upam, da se bomo res. In tudi v teli temi se moramo potruditi s številkami. :)
Uporabniški avatar
Busby babe
Prispevkov: 3813
Pridružen: 16. avgust 2007, 10:23:01
Kraj: Šempeter pri Gorici

Re: Štetje

OdgovorNapisal/-a Brne dne 16. avgust 2007, 16:04:02


ja potrudte se...sej ni tak težko štet... :lol:
js že vem k se matematko učim... :roll: lol
"And you say to yourself, thank god they hate us, because then we know we are the best" - Sir Alex Ferguson
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Cantona's virtual brother
Prispevkov: 790
Pridružen: 16. avgust 2007, 13:10:53
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Re: Štetje

OdgovorNapisal/-a mesicek7 dne 16. avgust 2007, 16:12:17

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Simply the Best
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Pridružen: 16. avgust 2007, 14:39:12
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Re: Štetje

OdgovorNapisal/-a martin7 dne 16. avgust 2007, 16:22:09

Ja Becks je igral fenomenalno, dal gol in podal odlično, donovan sploh ni vedel, da njemu podaja :D

Sir Bobby Charlton
Prispevkov: 1291
Pridružen: 16. avgust 2007, 10:39:01
Kraj: Old Trafford

Re: Štetje

OdgovorNapisal/-a manutd fan dne 16. avgust 2007, 18:12:43


Wiii res lep forum, superca! :D

LP :)
"Sprašujete me, če se bom upokojil? Verjetno se šalite, še posebno, če upoštevamo, da bi moral biti v tem primeru ves čas z ženo doma." A. Ferguson

Gangster55 - VZEMI ALI PUSTI ! - Športne stave, predlogi, ... FREE !
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manutd fan
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Pridružen: 16. avgust 2007, 17:32:49
Kraj: Gorenjska

Re: Štetje

OdgovorNapisal/-a Matija dne 16. avgust 2007, 19:57:52


Na prejšnji strani se je ena številka ponovila, tako je zdaj prav. ;)

Brne bravo, za jutr bom pa tud pesti držal :twisted: :twisted:
Uporabniški avatar
Všeč mu je Harry Potter
Prispevkov: 6314
Pridružen: 16. avgust 2007, 19:34:31

Re: Štetje

OdgovorNapisal/-a infinity dne 16. avgust 2007, 20:04:29


Kaj če bi raje odštevali od 100, vidim da preveliko številk za vas. :lol:

Sicer pa lep forum, vse pohvale Fluidu in Manchester Unitedu :)
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Sir Matt Busby
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Pridružen: 16. avgust 2007, 19:35:02

Re: Štetje

OdgovorNapisal/-a Red Devil™ dne 16. avgust 2007, 20:13:39


Jst mam sam en predlog... tisti, ki ste spremenil soje vzdevke bi lohk mel neki cajta še stare v podpisu... da se prbližn ločmo med sabo. :D

Zgled: Goričanka ;)
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Red Devil™
In charge of Fletch's makeover
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Pridružen: 16. avgust 2007, 13:19:27
Kraj: Kranj

Re: Štetje

OdgovorNapisal/-a zimi dne 16. avgust 2007, 20:25:57

se strinjam Red Devil..
aja, pa probimo ostat zbrani pr cifrah! :P
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mi ci
Prispevkov: 5802
Pridružen: 16. avgust 2007, 16:46:39
Kraj: Celje

Re: Štetje

OdgovorNapisal/-a Johnny dne 16. avgust 2007, 20:44:20


Lep gol beckhama pa tut zanimivo "veselje" victoryje :lol:

Aja, pohvale za tale forum!
Uporabniški avatar
Chief of Execution
Prispevkov: 266
Pridružen: 16. avgust 2007, 20:06:03

Re: Štetje

OdgovorNapisal/-a Matija dne 16. avgust 2007, 22:16:58


To je zdaj prava številka. Sem že prej popravil pa me noben ni upošteval :evil: :evil: :evil:

Res lep gol Beckhama!
Uporabniški avatar
Všeč mu je Harry Potter
Prispevkov: 6314
Pridružen: 16. avgust 2007, 19:34:31

Re: Štetje

OdgovorNapisal/-a Omč dne 16. avgust 2007, 23:28:34


Brne je napisal:984

čaki še...jutr še matematka pol pa... :mrgreen:

EDIT: večina vs je verjetn že vidl pa useen...
You know you're a Mancunian when ...

1. You think any game can be won in the last 2 minutes

2. You cannot play football with your collar down

3.You think making things hard for yourself is a standard way of doing things

4. A great dane, Welsh Wizards and Calypso have everything in common

5. You hate everything to do with Arsenal, Chelsea and Liverpool

6. You know what the meaning of the word "treble" is.

7. You know what and where the Theatre of Dreams is located

8. You are accustomed to and enjoy watching "Guard of Honors"

9. You can predict the step over patterns of Cristiano Ronaldo.

10. When you know who Wazza and Vida are

11. Football is not football if Manchester United are NOT playing.

12. Believe that we're still going to win the league even if we were 12 points down, with four games to go.

13. Have a closet full of Manchester United's jerseys.

14. you wake up at 4am in the states after a night of drinking having had only 2 hours of sleep to watch united play live......... against Watford

15. if ever watching a match as a neutral, you find a united connection and support that team.

16. during the summer competitions (Euro, world cup) you hope the countries in which players from united represent do poorly so they can get more rest for the season.

17. you know that if the team is doing poorly at halftime, you must change something you are doing in order to help with the comeback.

18. when you pick out colors for anything, red black and white are always what you push it a blanket, sweater, or wedding.

19. and given the number....if you see the number want to add legend on the end.

20. Going behind in a match never seems like a major problem

21. England football loses the little importance it ever had. United > England!

22. United is THE United and can be said without "Man" in the presence of Newcastle, West Ham, Sheffield, etc. etc. fans

23. You first look for man utd on any football game

24. The team has to be changed in order to be exactly the same as the one in real life

25. you love being on hold trying to get through to the ticket office etc as they always play audio replays from 1999!!

26. You worship a select few gods by the names of Scholes, Neville, Giggs, Rooney, Ronaldo, etc

27. You know more about the youth squad than most other fans know of their clubs first teams

28. you can be asked a number of a player by someone and be able to name them all, and if the number is vacant, name the last player to use the number

29. you call them Man United, Manchester United, United, the Reds, The Babes... but never Man U

30 Your cell phone's ring is a famous united song or player chant

31. 2/3rds of your time on the computer is based on united... i.e. orkut, espn, soccernet,, football manager, etc

32. You still hate Leeds, even though they're 2 leagues down and most people don’t know who they are

33. You spontaneously come up with chants in front of the TV, much to the delight of the people watching it with you

34. You cancel your classes when they interfere with matches.

35. May 26th is a holiday regardless of what is happening.

36. your run up the wall in your living room yelling with your Man Utd shirt on after Wayne Rooney scores that goal at Old Trafford to beat Milan 3-2 in the CL semi's

37. When you cannot watch the game, your friends know to sms you every 5mins to keep you up to date

38. When walking across the quad on campus and you spot someone wearing a Liverpool shirt, you call them a dirty scouser

39. you have a 10 pg paper due at 7 pm, its 12 pm and you have only written 2 pages so far, but you drop everything to watch/ listen to internet commentary of United's match.

40. you have a 3 hour final at 12, but you finish it as quickly as possible to get out of there in time to catch a United game starting at 1. The only thing running through your mind during the exam is the possible score line/ and the scorers at that point in the game. Even if the exam was awful, you feel on top of the world upon seeing a score line where United won.

41. you say a little prayer for him every time you hear the name 'ole gunnar solskjaer'

42. no matter how shitty your day is going, watching video clips of the CL 99 final always makes you feel better.

43. the Fergie 4-4-2 is your only way to play football, even though he switches it himself

44. Your favorite player's last name is another way to say ass... no club can say that

45. You know the staff more than the players

46. No matter what the money's really for, when you see united merchandise, that money is immediately spent

Wo toj pa čist res ane...v ene 25-30 se pa najdem ja :D
Viva Wayne Rooney
Uporabniški avatar
Ve vse... o alkoholu!
Prispevkov: 668
Pridružen: 16. avgust 2007, 12:35:47
Kraj: Duplje

Re: Štetje

OdgovorNapisal/-a Chelsea HeadhunteR dne 17. avgust 2007, 0:38:50

Jaz upam da mene ne boste dol zabrisal, saj nisem tu zaradi provociranja, ampak samo zaradi izmenjave mnenj :|
Uporabniški avatar
Chelsea HeadhunteR
Headhunter? Gloryhunter it is!
Prispevkov: 118
Pridružen: 17. avgust 2007, 0:28:32
Kraj: Stamford Bridge

Re: Štetje

OdgovorNapisal/-a MARTIN-UNITED dne 17. avgust 2007, 1:00:08


:lol: novga člana mamo :lol:
Brat mu je isti
Prispevkov: 1990
Pridružen: 16. avgust 2007, 12:10:37
Kraj: Ljubljana

Re: Štetje

OdgovorNapisal/-a Chelsea HeadhunteR dne 17. avgust 2007, 1:12:06

ja ne :D še en vaš :D:D
Uporabniški avatar
Chelsea HeadhunteR
Headhunter? Gloryhunter it is!
Prispevkov: 118
Pridružen: 17. avgust 2007, 0:28:32
Kraj: Stamford Bridge

Re: Štetje

OdgovorNapisal/-a MARTIN-UNITED dne 17. avgust 2007, 1:27:48


se vid da si za chelsea k še nisi pogruntu da je treba cifre pisat :lol: :lol: :D
Brat mu je isti
Prispevkov: 1990
Pridružen: 16. avgust 2007, 12:10:37
Kraj: Ljubljana

Re: Štetje

OdgovorNapisal/-a mesicek7 dne 17. avgust 2007, 4:22:16


Chelsea fan :D whats up ? :P
Uporabniški avatar
Simply the Best
Prispevkov: 941
Pridružen: 16. avgust 2007, 14:39:12
Kraj: trbovlje


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