Premier liga 2016/17

Premier liga, FA Cup, Ligaški pokal 2016/17

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Premier liga 2016/17

OdgovorNapisal/-a Fluid dne 15. junij 2016, 9:29:22

Nova sezona:

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Razen na koncu v maju dveh težkih gostovanj imamo dokaj lepo razporejeno.
When the DREAMS come TRUE!
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Re: Premier liga 2016/17

OdgovorNapisal/-a Fluid dne 21. julij 2016, 11:34:21

Fat Sam novi selektor. Slabše ne more bit, ali kako že gre :mrgreen:
When the DREAMS come TRUE!
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Re: Premier liga 2016/17

OdgovorNapisal/-a King_Cantona_7 dne 21. julij 2016, 12:03:44

Big Sam! To bo smeh.

''The 90th minute at Anfield, in front of the Kop! Gary Neville told me that is his dream and I've just gone and done it!"
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Re: Premier liga 2016/17

OdgovorNapisal/-a infinity dne 21. julij 2016, 17:00:49

Par rošad zaradi Zlatana.

Januzaj izgubil enajstico.
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Sir Matt Busby
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Re: Premier liga 2016/17

OdgovorNapisal/-a Red Devil™ dne 21. julij 2016, 22:56:59

Pa za Pogbaja #6. ;)
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Re: Premier liga 2016/17

OdgovorNapisal/-a Fluid dne 24. julij 2016, 17:43:48

In zakaj je bilo potrebno delat te spremembe? Kaj Ibrahimovič ne more imeti številke 15 ali pa 37. Brisanje riti pa takšno.
When the DREAMS come TRUE!
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Pridružen: 16. avgust 2007, 9:58:35
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Re: Premier liga 2016/17

OdgovorNapisal/-a JoKeR dne 26. julij 2016, 11:36:51

Cifre za igralce je zihr Zlatan izbral.. :lol:
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Re: Premier liga 2016/17

OdgovorNapisal/-a Scum4ever dne 27. julij 2016, 9:09:05

Nova pravila

CHANGE 1: Kick-off

As seen at Euro 2016, the ball no longer has to go forward at kick-off. The previous law stated the ball had to go into the opposition half at the restart, but it has been changed to allow it to move in any direction, as long as it "clearly moves". This change has paved the way for one-man kick-offs, as seen at Euro 2016.

CHANGE 2: Pre-match red cards

Referees will be able to give a player a red card before the match kicks off. This allows officials to punish red-card offences (e.g. violent conduct) in the warm-up or as the two teams line up in the tunnel. The new law states a player may be sent off any time between the pre-match inspection and when the referee leaves the field at the end of the game.

CHANGE 3: An end to the 'triple-punishment law'

The previous 'triple-punishment' law meant a player who denied a goal-scoring opportunity in the box was automatically red-carded and handed a suspension, as well as giving away a penalty.

The law has now been changed so players committing accidental fouls that deny goal-scoring opportunities in the penalty area will not be automatically sent off, with a yellow card sufficient punishment.

As the amendment states: "When a denial of a goalscoring opportunity offence is committed by a defender in the penalty area, the penalty kick effectively restores the goalscoring opportunity so the punishment for the player should be less strong (e.g. a yellow card) than when the offence is committed outside the penalty area. However, when the offence is handball or clearly not a genuine attempt to play or challenge for the ball, the player will be sent off."

CHANGE 4: Treating injuries

If a player is fouled and hurt by an opponent who subsequently receives a yellow or red card for the challenge, the injured player may be quickly treated on the pitch without the need to leave the field of play.

It was widely seen as unfair that a player injured by a serious foul was forced off the pitch for treatment, temporarily placing the fouled team at a numerical disadvantage.

CHANGE 5: Changing boots/equipment

A player who briefly leaves the field (e.g. to change boots) may have his new boots checked by an assistant referee or fourth official before returning to play.

Previously, the player required the referee's permission to return.

CHANGE 6: Penalties

Among several minor changes to the laws regarding penalties, potentially the most interesting is the amendment to yellow card a penalty taker who "illegally feints" once his run-up is complete. This means slowing to a stop immediately before shooting is not allowed, with a yellow card and an indirect free-kick to the opposition the result.

The law does stress feinting during a run-up is still permitted.

CHANGE 7: Infringements by substitutes/team officials

Atletico Madrid boss Diego Simeone was sent to the stands in April after a member of his backroom team threw a ball onto the pitch during a La Liga game in an attempt to interrupt an opponent's attack.

To address what was threatening to become a growing trend, the law has been changed so that if play is stopped due to interference from a team official or substitute, rather than the award of an indirect free-kick or drop ball, the referee will now award a free-kick or penalty kick to the opposition.

CHANGE 8: Colour of undergarment

The new rule states undershorts/tights must be the same colour as the main colour of the shorts or the lowest part of the shorts. This takes into account shorts with a different coloured hem.

Undershirts must still be the same colour as the main colour of the shirt sleeve.

CHANGE 9: Offside

A couple of minor clarifications to the offside rule. The law now states the halfway line is neutral, meaning a player must have part of the body (excluding arms or hands) in the opponents' half to be flagged offside.

A free-kick resulting from an offside will nowalways take place where the offence is committed.

CHANGE 10: Handballs

In an effort to stop referees brandishing yellow cards for every handball, "preventing an opponent gaining possession" has been removed from the list of bookable offences.

Handball is now a yellow card offence when "it stops/interferes with a promising attack".

CHANGE 11: Restarts

The phrase "clearly moves" has been added to the law on restarts, meaning attempts to trick the opposition by lightly tapping the ball at a corner (or free-kick) and then dribbling will come to an end. This amendment is part of a renewed emphasis on what constitutes sporting behaviour "within the spirit of the game".

CHANGE 12: Player behaviour

Referees have been urged to take a stronger stand on "intolerable behaviour" by players following a
joint statement by the Premier League, English Football League and FA.

Running to contest decisions, arguing face-to-face with officials, and "visibly disrespectful" actions will result in yellow cards.

Red cards will be issued to players who confront officials and use insulting and/or offensive language or gestures towards them.

The aim is to "reduce disrespectful conduct such as aggressively challenging decisions or running from distance to confront an official."

Rad bi vidu 12 v praksi. 6 rdečih kartonov na tekmo :D
Uporabniški avatar
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Re: Premier liga 2016/17

OdgovorNapisal/-a Fluid dne 27. julij 2016, 9:53:43

Če želijo, da točka 12 zaživi v praksi, pač morajo biti dosledni in kaznovati vse, ne glede na to, da je kaznovanih 9 igralcev ali da je celo izključenih preveč. Samo tako se bodo igralci odvadili tega. Najbrž bo pa tako, da bo nekaj sodnikov v prvih dveh krogih kaznovalo polovico zrelih primerov, potem pa vse po starem... Že videno pri drugih ''spremembah.''
When the DREAMS come TRUE!
Uporabniški avatar
Prispevkov: 9338
Pridružen: 16. avgust 2007, 9:58:35
Kraj: Bled

Re: Premier liga 2016/17

OdgovorNapisal/-a infinity dne 27. julij 2016, 10:53:35

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Sir Matt Busby
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Re: Premier liga 2016/17

OdgovorNapisal/-a Matija dne 27. julij 2016, 11:13:10

Točno tako Nejc. Če ne bodo zaradi 12. člena naredili reda v prvih treh krogih in pokazali nekaj rdečih kartonov, potem bo vse po starem.
Uporabniški avatar
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Pridružen: 16. avgust 2007, 19:34:31

Re: Premier liga 2016/17

OdgovorNapisal/-a King_Cantona_7 dne 28. julij 2016, 12:28:22

Še najbolj mi je všeč pravilo o rdečem kartonu in penalu. Izključitev in penal naenkrat je res hud udarec za ekipo in večkrat ubije tekmo.

To o obnašanju igralcev je pa nemogoče definirati. Vsak sodnik si po svoje razlaga tovrstne situacije. Ne pozabimo, da tudi sodniki pri tem niso nedolžni, saj izrabljajo svoj položaj za arogantno obnašanje, vzvišenost in odrezavost. To se sploh opazi pri nižjih ligah.
''The 90th minute at Anfield, in front of the Kop! Gary Neville told me that is his dream and I've just gone and done it!"
Uporabniški avatar
Sir Alex Ferguson
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Re: Premier liga 2016/17

OdgovorNapisal/-a zimi dne 13. avgust 2016, 13:41:48

A gleda kdo Leicester? Ne gledam, sem pa videl, da so dali gol iz penala. Spet. Lani ob njihovem čudežu nismo velikrat omenjal, ampak veliko tekem v zaključku sezone so zmagali/iztržili remi po penalih, ki so bili zelo soft dosojeni. Milo rečeno se jim je tudi tam vse poklopilo lani.

Upam, da bomo letos več govorili o izjemnih trenerjih in posameznikih, kot pa o sodnikih! :)
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mi ci
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Re: Premier liga 2016/17

OdgovorNapisal/-a GoUp dne 13. avgust 2016, 15:20:35

Seveda. Sodniki so pripiskali naslov Leicestru in ne trenerji in igralci, posamezniki. Vardy, Mahrez, Kante in Co. so seveda zanič.

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Re: Premier liga 2016/17

OdgovorNapisal/-a infinity dne 13. avgust 2016, 16:49:26

Bodo angleški mediji zdaj udarili z vsemi topovi po Guardioli, ko je že na prvi tekmi vrgel Harta iz prve postave? Sej še ni tako daleč nazaj odkar smo lahko branili kako je super in sploh med najboljšimi vratarji na svetu (top 3, top 5 in vse ostale lestvice).

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Sir Matt Busby
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Re: Premier liga 2016/17

OdgovorNapisal/-a Anderson#8 dne 13. avgust 2016, 19:39:45

Dobro če misli tako igrat z Cityjem, se sploh ne sekiram, da bo Guardiola kaj naredil. To je hotel Van Gaal(City je imel 82%) posesti, popolnoma nenevarni, gol dali popolnoma slučajno. Kolarov CB, Clichy DM, Sagna CM, Aguero in De Bruyne popolnoma ločena.. Tako boring za gledat, da zaspiš zraven.
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Re: Premier liga 2016/17

OdgovorNapisal/-a Matija dne 13. avgust 2016, 20:07:31

Penal in avtogol na isti tekmi, bonus za letos torej izkoriscen.
Uporabniški avatar
Všeč mu je Harry Potter
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Re: Premier liga 2016/17

OdgovorNapisal/-a Robierto dne 13. avgust 2016, 20:40:48

Po eni tekmi ocenjevat delo Gaurdiole je bolj tak. Verjetno rabi malo več časa, da sestavi ekipo in uveljavi svojo filozofijo..
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Re: Premier liga 2016/17

OdgovorNapisal/-a knoxvill dne 14. avgust 2016, 18:09:32

Škoda, da smo Sane-ja spustili k rivalom. Dober igralec ni kaj.
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Re: Premier liga 2016/17

OdgovorNapisal/-a Anderson#8 dne 14. avgust 2016, 21:08:31

Kurba da bi v svoji nameri vsaj ime igralca zadel, bi še bilo kaj učinka :lol: :lol:
Uporabniški avatar
Borkovič vol.2
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Pridružen: 13. november 2007, 18:30:58
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Vrni se na Angleške zelenice 2016/17

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