EL 1/16 finala Manchester United : Ajax; četrtek, 23.2.2012

Liga prvakov 2011/12 - Arhiv

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EL 1/16 finala Manchester United : Ajax; četrtek, 23.2.2012

OdgovorNapisal/-a Anderson#8 dne 21. februar 2012, 14:23:01

Slika vs Slika

Prizorišče: Old Trafford
Datum: Četrtek, 23.2.2012
Ura: 21:05
Prenos: OBN Bosna
Sodnik: Damir Skomina(SLO)

Imamo ogromno prednosti z prve tekme, spet lahko pričakujemo tipično hold posest tekmo, veliko odpiranja po bokih in kak gol ali 2 za zakoličit rezultat.

De Gea
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Re: EL 1/16 finala Manchester United : Ajax; četrtek, 23.2.2012

OdgovorNapisal/-a JoKeR dne 21. februar 2012, 16:13:08

A ni prenosa na HTV2??
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Re: EL 1/16 finala Manchester United : Ajax; četrtek, 23.2.2012

OdgovorNapisal/-a Anderson#8 dne 21. februar 2012, 16:24:21

Ne vem, nič ne piše(še).. Pa tudi dvomim, zna biti da bodo katero bolj zanimivo tekmo prenašali..
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Borkovič vol.2
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Re: EL 1/16 finala Manchester United : Ajax; četrtek, 23.2.2012

OdgovorNapisal/-a infinity dne 21. februar 2012, 16:49:12

Mislim da bi HRT2 morala to prenašati. Sodeč po uri tekme in sporedu, možnost obstaja. Za razliko od SLO2, ki bo imela prenos že ob 8ih.

Kljub prednosti ne pričakujem kakšne poletne ekipe :) Nekako v stilu prve tekme. Giggs bi edino lahko dočakal svojo 900 tekmo v dresu Uniteda.

Je pa Ajax idealen nasprotnik za United v ligi Europa. Kar pozabilo se je, da le gre za drugorazredno tekmovanje. Še več. Precej bolj nestrpno sem pričakoval dvoboj v Amsterdamu, kot pa prejšna leta tekme v CL.
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Re: EL 1/16 finala Manchester United : Ajax; četrtek, 23.2.2012

OdgovorNapisal/-a Matija dne 21. februar 2012, 20:03:07

Prejšnji teden je Fergie rekel da bo Smalling v četrtek igral, saj se vrača po poškodbi.

Sam ne pričakujem veliko od te tekme. United vodi 2-0, lepo in brez naprezanja bodo odigrali povratno tekmo. Upam pa da priložnost dobijo tisti, ki sicer igrajo manj.
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Re: EL 1/16 finala Manchester United : Ajax; četrtek, 23.2.2012

OdgovorNapisal/-a CR7 dne 21. februar 2012, 23:26:05

De Gea
Rafael - Rio/Jones - Evans - Fabio
Valencia - Carrick/Jones - Cleverley - Young
Rooney - Welbeck

Upam, da tekmo začnemo tako, potem pa lahko že ob polčasu (če bo izid še ugoden v kar ne dvomim) vstopijo Pogba ipd., ki manj igrajo.

"There's Rooney... overhead kick... oh my word! That's amazing. Sensational.
I just can't believe what I've seen. Only Wayne Rooney can produce a piece of
genius like that. And it could be the winner. 2-1."
- Stewart Gardner, commentator, MUTV
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Re: EL 1/16 finala Manchester United : Ajax; četrtek, 23.2.2012

OdgovorNapisal/-a braul dne 22. februar 2012, 12:28:52

Prednost s prve tekme je lepa in čisto možno je, da bo že od začetka dobil priložnost kdo, ki manj igra. A v celoti mora ekipa še vedno nekako izgledati. Mislim, da tudi glede na formo Ajaxa ne bi smelo biti niti malo dvomov tekom tekme o končnem potniku v 1/8 finala.
United! LUHG
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Re: EL 1/16 finala Manchester United : Ajax; četrtek, 23.2.2012

OdgovorNapisal/-a infinity dne 22. februar 2012, 15:38:21

"Rooney's out for tomorrow," said Sir Alex. "He has a bad throat. There were traces of it in Amsterdam last Thursday and he's been in bed for a lot of the weekend. He came in this morning for the first time. We're trying hard to get him ready for Sunday [at Norwich]."

Tom Cleverley is expected to play 90 minutes after being eased into his comeback in the first leg following his recovery from an ankle injury.

"Hopefully Tom will play a full game tomorrow," added Sir Alex at a press conference at Old Trafford. "He's back and it's good to have him back. He gives us more ammunition in the midfield area, which was an area some people were worried about. Anderson's back training with the first-team now as well."
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Sir Matt Busby
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Pridružen: 16. avgust 2007, 19:35:02

Re: EL 1/16 finala Manchester United : Ajax; četrtek, 23.2.2012

OdgovorNapisal/-a JoKeR dne 22. februar 2012, 15:45:04

Prenosa ne bo na HTV2, ker prenašajo Stoke-Valencia pa še eno drugo tekmo, se ne spomnim natančno.. Sem ravno prebral, da bo manjkal jutri Rooney tako, da pomoje začenjata Welbeck in Chicharito..
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Re: EL 1/16 finala Manchester United : Ajax; četrtek, 23.2.2012

OdgovorNapisal/-a zani dne 22. februar 2012, 15:50:50

pa lazio proti nevem kom še prenašajo..
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Pridružen: 20. januar 2012, 1:57:45

Re: EL 1/16 finala Manchester United : Ajax; četrtek, 23.2.2012

OdgovorNapisal/-a gregx dne 22. februar 2012, 16:01:44

14:01 We're underway. Sir Alex opens by saying United are determined to avoid an Ajax fightback. "The experience we had against Basel, where we were 2-0 up at half-time, that's in our memories. I don't think we'll be casual or careless about what we're trying to achieve tomorrow but it's a good lead. You can't dispute that."

14:03 Sir Alex on Ryan Giggs' imminent 900th appearance: "It's amazing. When we went to Moscow he beat Bobby Charlton's record. It's phenomenal and he keeps defying his age. His performance level now is as it was then. Nothing's changed. I think Ryan's maturity and the fact we've changed his position has given a new aspect to his game. We remember him running up and down the touchline, running at full-backs."

14:05 On Giggs vs Paolo Maldini: "Maldini was a defender. And although in his case he did a lot of running as a full-back, wide players have more work to do as full-backs. That's the distinctino between the two, although Maldini was obviously a magnificent player."

14:06 More on Giggs: "From my point of view, and not everyone will agree with me, being in the Premier League for as long as he has and achieved what he has, I don't think anybody else will ever do it."

14:07 Sir Alex continues: "We'd rather not be in the Europa League. When you make mistakes in the Champions League you suffer, you pay the penalty. Ajax can consider themselves unlcuky because Lyon won their last game 7-0. Ajax would have been expecting to go through. But we are where we are and now we want to do well."

14:08 Tom Cleverley has been asked a question about Giggsy. "I can't remember exactly but I remember pretending to be Ryan Giggs in the back garden," the young midfielder says. "Him and Scholesy and the more experienced lads are good to have around and learn from. You look at how they work every day and you can learn from them both on and off the pitch. You don't have to be speaking to them all the time - you just have to watch and learn."

14:09 Cleverley on returning from injury: "It's good to be back. It's massively frustrating to be out for that length of time but I'm back now. I'm fresh, I'm 100% and looking forward to the end of the season."

14:10 Sir Alex on Cleverley: "He's a clever footballer and he has a quick brain in terms of his passing. Last week an hour was fantastic for him after that long spell out. Hopefully he'll play a full game tomorrow. He's back and it's good to have him back. He gives us more ammunition in the midfield area, which was an area some people were worried about. Anderson's back training with the first team now as well."

14:11 Ten minutes in, we get to the main news from the conference: Rooney will miss the game. "Rooney's out for tomorrow," Sir Alex says. "He has a bad throat. There were traces of it in Amsterdam last Thursday and he's been in bed for a lot of the weekend."

14:12 More team news / contract news from the boss: "Michael Owen's training well. With his record of injuries we need to make sure he does a full preparation before he joins us. I would think he'd join us in about two weeks. Berbatov's fit and he'll be here next year." :D

14:13 On Paul Pogba staying: "It's possible. There's been no progress on his contract talks." :(

14:15 On other threats in the Europa League: "Man City, obviously. All the teams who have been in the Champions League, you have to pay attention to. I would expect Bilbao to win the tie tomorrow and if we get them that will be tough. They have a fantastic home record. That would be a very hard game. You also have to recognise there are a lot of teams who are at a very good standard. Porto won it last year and could be out tonight. We didn't expect to be where we are today and I think both of us would like to win it (Utd and City). That would be a great final, that!"

14:16 The boss and Cleverley also talked about the midfielder's chances of being picked for England. Cleverley: "I'm just concentrating on tomorrow night and then Sunday, for my club. If I can get into some good form between now and the end of the season I'd be more than happy to be involved in the European Championships this summer." Sir Alex: "Before his injury he was involved with the Under-21s, along with Jones, Smalling and Welbeck. They've all been invovled in the full squad. There are indications he's in the frame."
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Re: EL 1/16 finala Manchester United : Ajax; četrtek, 23.2.2012

OdgovorNapisal/-a GoUp dne 22. februar 2012, 16:20:50

Najbolj mi je v oči padlo tisto glede Pogbaja. Kritično.
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Re: EL 1/16 finala Manchester United : Ajax; četrtek, 23.2.2012

OdgovorNapisal/-a Taki dne 22. februar 2012, 17:12:56

Zakaj? Okej Pogba vrhunski talent gor ali dol ampak za vsako ceno ga tudi nebi imel. Če bo on sedaj dobil pogodbo 40k funtov na teden ali več bo s tem odprta pandorina skrnjica in bodo vsi ti mladi talenti hoteli ogromne pogodbe. Mislim, da bi se ga moralo žrtvovati češ: ne se zajebavat z mano, nisi še nič dokazal, ko boš igralec na nivoju Scholesa, Giggsa, Rooneya se bomo pogovarjali o astronomskih zneskih. Do takrat pa grizi travo, treniraj itd itd.
Pa tudi sicer imamo Tunnicliffeja, ki je sodeč po vsem kar sem prebral o njem obetaven mladenič celo dovolj dober, da čez leto, dve pride v prvo ekipo in si izbori svoje minute.
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Pridružen: 17. avgust 2007, 21:20:12

Re: EL 1/16 finala Manchester United : Ajax; četrtek, 23.2.2012

OdgovorNapisal/-a zani dne 22. februar 2012, 17:49:38

taki...giggs je izjavil pred kakšnim letom, češ da je najbolj talentiran 'mladinec' ravno tunnincliffe..
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Pridružen: 20. januar 2012, 1:57:45

Re: EL 1/16 finala Manchester United : Ajax; četrtek, 23.2.2012

OdgovorNapisal/-a Anderson#8 dne 22. februar 2012, 18:13:34

Kmaluuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Pizda kakšen je Pogba :D

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Borkovič vol.2
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Pridružen: 13. november 2007, 18:30:58
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Re: EL 1/16 finala Manchester United : Ajax; četrtek, 23.2.2012

OdgovorNapisal/-a GoUp dne 22. februar 2012, 18:37:27

2 Pogbaja bi spravu v enga Andersona :lol: po talentu pa obratno ... no sj pr Andersonu o talentu ne moremo več govorit.
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Dr. Love
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Pridružen: 20. avgust 2007, 18:06:30

Re: EL 1/16 finala Manchester United : Ajax; četrtek, 23.2.2012

OdgovorNapisal/-a matocar dne 22. februar 2012, 18:47:18

Jaz tudi pričakujem bolj kot ne dolgočasno tekmo, ter žogo v Unitedovih nogah. Mislim, da bo United vseeno zabil gol ali dva, za zakoličenje rezultata. Upam na hitri gol Uniteda, da ne bom trepetal do konca tekme. :D
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Re: EL 1/16 finala Manchester United : Ajax; četrtek, 23.2.2012

OdgovorNapisal/-a matocar dne 22. februar 2012, 19:55:44


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Re: EL 1/16 finala Manchester United : Ajax; četrtek, 23.2.2012

OdgovorNapisal/-a King_Cantona_7 dne 22. februar 2012, 23:23:30

Čas je, da se zopet malo Berbatov pokaže navijačem, kajne? Zaslužil bi si končno eno tekmo po dolgem času. Fergie ga že prav nesramno zanemarja.

Tekmo bi morali zmagati. Navijačem na Old Traffordu se je treba oddolžiti za izpad iz CL.
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Re: EL 1/16 finala Manchester United : Ajax; četrtek, 23.2.2012

OdgovorNapisal/-a don G dne 23. februar 2012, 10:53:25

matocar je napisal:http://www.facebook.com/manutdslo

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Kva? A ne obstajajo že tko like 3 skupine in 2 profila, zdej pa spet neki novga? Najbolje, da si gre vsak dela private fan fb page. To niti ni tema za to!!!!
Since Liverpool last won the league, David de Gea has been born, grown up, signed for Manchester United and won the league himself.

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